Growing a business and keeping things afloat requires patience and tenacity. In the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the phrase “patience is a virtue” rings even truer: SEO is a long-term building process that does not improve site rankings overnight.

There are no shortcuts when you want to implement a successful SEO strategy. As long as a business keeps up with current search engine standards, however, they will eventually see success.

Earning Credibility in the Eyes of Google Isn't Instantaneous

It can take some time to create a campaign that Google will recognize, even if you are a top brand in a competitive industry. Jason Parks, Founder and CEO of The Media Captain, a digital marketing agency, shares that it took his company three years to rank on the first page of Google. From having a few terms rank on the first page in 2012, Parks’ firm progressed to the top three places for most of his industry’s search terms in 2015.

Coming Up with a Solid SEO Strategy and Focusing on a Local Market

While patience is a virtue, Webs Unweaved, a company that offers digital marketing solutions, reminds clients of the importance of also working with a company that specializes in optimizing search engines to make a business’ expected goals happen. The first step to coming up with a solid SEO strategy is by targeting keywords locally. Additionally, focusing on a local market also requires forming connections with local businesses and organizations for a more consistent local presence across the board. 

Optimizing On-Site Content

Digging into Google Analytics is a great way to see top-visited pages on a business’ website. By improving the user experience and adding information on pages with a high bounce rate, a brand can improve their website and fix low-performing pages. Additionally, taking advantage of Moz’s “page optimization” feature allows website owners to improve title tags, image attributes, and more, for better on-site content.

Understanding the value of patience can go a long way in improving a company’s SEO. Reaping the benefits of ranking in the top positions is, after all, worth the wait.